June 25, 2024

SC Ports moving forward with ILA to reopen Leatherman Terminal

SC Ports has reached an agreement with the International Longshoremen’s Association that will allow us to reopen Leatherman Terminal together. Our Board of Directors voted unanimously in support of this agreement today.

Joint statement from SC Ports and the ILA:

“SC Ports and ILA proudly announce that after productive and collaborative conversations, we have mutually developed and agreed to the framework for an operating agreement that will create long-term stability and competitiveness for the Port of Charleston while providing an enhanced product. More importantly, SC Ports and ILA worked together to protect jobs to create a seamless transition toward a future that recognizes a trained and experienced workforce across all SC Ports’ terminals. SC Ports and ILA are ready to welcome our USMX partners at the Leatherman Terminal for many years to come without hesitation as all obstacles to operations have been removed.”