June 24, 2010

Northern Asia Service Begins at Port of Charleston

Charleston, SC - The first ship call in a new, weekly service between Charleston and Northern Asia called the Port of Charleston today. The ANGELES reached Charleston Harbor early Thursday morning for her inaugural call and worked at the Wando Welch Terminal.

The new service means jobs at the port in a variety of sectors - and highlights the state's strong export potential to markets in Asia.

The new weekly service is bringing 52 additional ship calls annually, supporting jobs across the harbor, on the dock, and in the supply chain, while linking South Carolina-based shippers directly to markets across Northern China and South Korea. Transshipment in the Caribbean provides additional market access across Central and South America.

The service features port calls in Ningbo, Shanghai, Qingdao, Xingang, China; Busan, South Korea; Kingston, Jamaica; Caucedo, Dominican Republic and Cartagena, Colombia.