September 21, 2007

Port of Charleston Debuts New Port Security Inspection System to Protect Against Terrorist Attacks

Customs and Border Protection to Operate
AS&E?s OmniView High Energy Cargo Inspection System
Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony on Friday, September 21 at 11:00 a.m.

Event contact and South Carolina media contact:
Jill Hirsekorn

National media/public relations contact:
Dana Harris
Red Javelin Communications, Inc. for AS&E

CHARLESTON, SCSeptember 21, 2007 - American Science and Engineering, Inc. (NASDAQ: ASEI) (AS&E?), the leader in X-ray detection technology, and The National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center-South East (NLECTC-SE) a program of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), administered by SCRA, will be debuting a new port security cargo screening system deployed by Project Seahawk for use at the Port of Charleston's U.S. Customs and Border Protection Container Examination Station. NLECTC-SE has been working with AS&E to deliver and deploy AS&E?s OmniView Gantry X-ray Inspection system. The system is able to penetrate up to 14 inches of steel, thereby providing port officials a comprehensive and safe means to inspect cargo containers for terrorist threats. The system will be transferred from NLECTC-SE to Project Seahawk and will be operated by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This effort was funded through a grant from the Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice.

The Port of Charleston, one of the largest container ports in the United States, is home to Project Seahawk, a Law Enforcement Task Force that brings together federal, state and local agencies to improve port security, and serves as a model for ports around the Nation. "This further enhances the Port of Charleston's aggressive security posture," said Bernard S. Groseclose Jr., president & CEO of the South Carolina State Ports Authority. "It is vital that increased security be balanced with the smooth flow of commerce. This new unit will help do that."

"With the war on terrorism and a stronger emphasis on homeland security, it is widely recognized that the Nation's seaports are subject to a variety of threats, from importing weapons and other hazardous substances to illegal immigrants, and constitute a major target for terrorist activity," said Congressman Henry Brown, co-chair of the Congressional Port Security Caucus and co-sponsor of the recently passed SAFE Port Act. "By using advanced screening systems like OmniView, we will work to keep our seaports safe by deterring attacks before they occur." Congressman Brown, along with Senator Graham and other legislators support the use of this technology at ports and continue to support efforts to add additional technology capability to make ports more secure.

"The relocatable OmniView Gantry is an ideal solution to secure our Nation?s ports," said Anthony Fabiano, AS&E's President and CEO. "AS&E is working closely with the Port of Charleston to provide state-of-the-art technology to efficiently inspect containerized cargo."

"As an applied research and commercialization company which builds teams that create technology solutions, and as systems engineering and information prime for Project Seahawk, SCRA is pleased to team with NLECTC, AS&E, the Port of Charleston, and our Government partners to bring a new inspection application into the field," said Bill Mahoney, SCRA CEO.

Media are invited to join the following persons who are planning to be in attendance at the event:


  • Whit Smith, vice chairman of the South Carolina State Ports Authority
  • Bill Mahoney, SCRA chief executive officer
  • Congressman Henry Brown, co-chair of the Port Security Caucus and House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee


  • Leslie Thrasher, constituent services, Senator Lindsey Graham's office
  • Frank Gutierrez, deputy director, Project Seahawk
  • Pam Zaresk, area port director, U.S. Customs and Border Protection
  • Captain Scott Beeson, U.S. Coast Guard, Project SeaHawk
  • Bob Kiggans, SCRA chief operating officer
  • John Bradham, SCRA senior vice president and Institute for Solutions Generation director
  • Joe Reiss, vice president of marketing, AS&E

Date: Friday, September 21, 2007
Time: 11:00 am
Location: Charleston Freight Station
116 Springbok Lane
Charleston, SC

About AS&E
American Science and Engineering, Inc. (AS&E) is the leading worldwide supplier of innovative X-ray inspection systems. With over 45 years of experience in developing advanced X-ray security systems, the Company?s product line utilizes a combination of technologies, including patented Z Backscatter technology, Radioactive Threat Detection (RTD), high energy transmission and dual energy transmission X-ray. These technologies offer superior Xray threat detection for plastic explosives, plastic weapons, liquid explosives, dirty bombs and nuclear devices. AS&E's complete range of products include cargo inspection systems for port and border security, baggage screening systems for facility and aviation security, and personnel and passenger screening systems. AS&E systems protect high-threat facilities and help combat terrorism and trade fraud, drug smuggling, weapon smuggling, and illegal immigration and people smuggling. AS&E customers include leading government agencies, border authorities, military bases, airports and corporations worldwide, including the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Royal Thai Police, HM Revenue & Customs (U.K.) and Hong Kong Customs. For more information on AS&E products and technologies, please visit

About SCRA (
SCRA is a global leader in applied research and commercialization services with offices in Anderson, Charleston, and Columbia, South Carolina; Dayton, Ohio and in the National capital region. SCRA collaborates to advance technology. SCRA provides technology-based solutions with assured outcomes to industry and government, and with the help of research universities like Clemson University, the University of South Carolina and the Medical University of South Carolina.