Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)


Purpose: To establish procedures for escorting and monitoring persons approved to enter SCPA facilities that meet the requirements of the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) regulations. TWIC is required for persons approved for unescorted access to secure and restricted areas of SCPA facilities. The South Carolina Ports Authority will adhere to the regulations and enforce the provisions of the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA).

Click here for more information on the SCPA TWIC policy.

TWIC Escort Approval Application

The possession of a TWIC is required for individuals who need routine access to restricted areas in the course of their employment and due to the nature of their employment where TWIC escorting is not feasible. Persons seeking access to SCPA facilities who do not physically possess a TWIC; are not routinely employed on SCPA facilities; have demonstrated a business need to enter; and are approved by the SCPA to enter, may only enter SCPA facilities with an SCPA approved TWIC escort as a side-by-side companion at the ratios required by federal regulations. The approved TWIC escort must be arranged in advance of arrival at facilities.